Friday, March 13, 2009

Tax History 101

There's been some whining from the political right about Obama's tax policy changes. Pundits call him a socialist and declare his policies will kill the motivation of successful hard working Americans. Here's a great little chart of taxes on the wealthiest Americans that helps put it in historical perspective.

thanks to Sansing "Momma Mac" McPherson

Friday, February 6, 2009

Monkey Wrench Update

Recently appointed secretary of the interior, Ken Salazar, has canceled the sale of drilling rights on 77 parcels of land in Utah. The 130,000 acres had been haphazardly auctioned off in December and monkey-wrenched by activist Tim DeChristopher (see previous post).

NPR Article

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Monkey Wrench

On Dec. 19, 2008 Tim DeChristopher bid on several oil and gas leases during a Bureau of Land Management auction in Salt Lake City. DeChristopher disrupted the auction of drilling leases by bidding up parcels of land by hundreds of thousands of dollars without any intention of paying for them.
Telluride News Article

DeChristopher, an economics student and environmental activist, had protested, written letters and spoken to his congressman about the lease of the land near several national parks. His new organization,, has raised over $45,000 to cover the first payment on the 22,500 acres.

DeChristopher's lawyer, Patrick Shea, who was the head of the BLM under President Clinton, said it is not clear if the government will accept the payment since he has no plans to drill. Shea is working for free partly because he’s appalled at how the Bush Administration has run the BLM.

BLM map of oil and gas property in the west

thanks to trip "metrohunk" huxley